ArtPrize - the world's largest art prize

On August 28 I wrote a blog post that expressed my deep concern and fear for the upcoming "contest" I had entered called ArtPrize. I knew it was going to be big, I knew it was going to be something I would kick myself if I wasn't a part of it...but truly I had no idea.
This last week has been a whirlwind of receptions, parties and viewing incredible art. Beginning tomorrow I will post some of the sites I have taken in. There has been so much. But first I want to introduce you to my entry. I labored over this piece for so long, I wrestled with the story behind it, I wrestled with the execution...then I even wrestled with how to display it. When it finally sat in place, the evening of its "unveiling" so to speak, I was EXHAUSTED. Mentally and physically. But again, I am proud to be a part of this amazing event. ArtPrize is exactly what Grand Rapids, Michigan needed. And here I give you... The Journey
This design was created as a personal journal entry. A visual depiction of the mental and physical journey I have taken over the last year, as well as a journey further into my medium - pushing boundaries, taking risks.
The central stone of blue lapis is a representation of myself. Strong, poised, confident for the eye to behold...but surrounded by chaos. Sometimes that chaos would try to make sense. Sometimes the paths would have meaning and direction, but most often it was my life spiraling out of control.
Then there were dreams, nightmares - hammering at my foundation begging me to crumble. But the foundation....the very core of what held me up was the God who saved me. I did not always see it, nor did I always want to acknowledge it - but when it was most chaotic, most out of control...that is where the base of the piece is the widest...that is where He carried me. And all along my journey He followed me, twisting and turning as I sought to help myself...unsuccessfully.
The faceted stones and the gold balls represent different milestones along my journey - people...places...things. The 5 silver bars that cling to the base and help bring stability are my children and my husband....constants who waited and prayed. These components each played a part and helped me to move ahead and fall back in step with a Savior who loves me.
Although my journey will not be totally complete until I take my final breath, I now look hopefully to the future that lies ahead. We each will face trials, there is no question in that...but we can become stronger, more confident and more beautiful by facing and marching through the challenges life presents, knowing we never have to face them alone.
xoxoxo, lisa
Posted on September 26 2009