ask Lisa - What shoes are hot for spring and best for season transition

Spring. Sometimes it's cold. Sometimes it's hot. Often it's just mushy.
We long for flip flops and sandals. We're ready to box up our boots. But what do we wear now?
This is a question I not only get asked a lot, but I ask myself on a daily basis! Who knew shoes could produce so much angst?
Here are my top pick for transitional spring shoes - guys included - you didn't really think I wanted to ignore you did you?
Let's start with you, since in all reality, you have it MUCH easier than us girls!
Office job? Oxfords are STILL hot. Great with jeans or khakis. Seriously adore. Spice it up with a pair of blue suede shoes. I mean if Elvis can do it...
(Chase Walk-over from Piperlime - Spring Caster from Zappos)

Play time! Why the boat shoe is back - hello 80's - I'll never know...but as long as you go Lacoste (think tiny alligator) you'll never go wrong. But if I was a guy, I'd choose these Sperry's and wear them proudly!
(Lacoste Sculler from Piperlime - Sperry Top Sider Halyard)

Of course guys, you can always choose a pair of Chuck Taylor Converse - they just never go out of style. Like ever.
Now on to the ladies. Yeehaw!!

1. Color and patterns are super why not colored patterned Espadrilles like these from Ugg! J'adore! (
- - pair with jeans - shorts - denim skirts - sundress - cropped patterned pants.
2. Metallics are still popular and I love these Kelly & Katie Limbo silver flats from
- - really cute with skirts and skinny jeans!
3. My new fav? These oxfords from Target. Two sets of laces. All sorts of fun. And seriously? Pink soles? I die. (they come in other colors too!)
- - boyfriend jeans - denim skirt - shorts - any sort of baggy-ish pants rolled up.
4. Graphic printed anything is in. So are sneakers. Why not combine the two? So you could make your own polka dot tennies like Isabel did or you could buy a pair like these Keds at Kohls. I'm sure they are on sale. I mean really, does anyone pay full price at Kohl's?
- - jeans - shorts - short skirts and sundresses
There are my top pick for transitional shoes. I'm still mixing in my strappy sandals and flip flops as weather allows. But when it's NOT cooperating, there is no need to be stumped on what looks fab on your tootsies.
And just in case the rain won't stop? I recommend a pair of galoshes. They are super cute and available just about anywhere!
Happy spring stylish friends!
Posted on May 02 2013