Be still....

In a society that runs on adrenaline and caffeine. In a home where there is constant activity. In a mind that races with ideas of grandeur and creativity. I heard the words...
Excuse me?
How is that physically possible? Emotionally possible? Mentally possible?

I heard the voice. But to respond, to listen, to obey? That is a different story.
IF I am STILL who will do the laundry or make dinner or teach children or create jewelry. If I am STILL the world might end.
Strangely won't.
The words rang true in my heart and in my soul. There was an deliberate need to stop and receive and listen. A need to BE STILL.
But why?
When everything is in constant motion there is no time for reflection or introspection. There is no time to hear God's voice. I was guilty of babble mode, telling him my thoughts my ideas asking my questions...but never slowing down enough to hear what he wanted to say to me.
But this I heard...
In its biblical context the Hebrew word used in Psalm 46.10 for "still" means to cast down or let fall. To be relaxed....especially the hands. That may or may not have hit VERY close to home!
Officially letting go, stopping motion.
So I gave in. I stopped. I listened.

What will you hear?you are so loved. xoxox, lisa
Posted on November 09 2011