Carrie Underwood. Fashion. And being a girl.

The deep bass is echoing through your chest, the music is blasting in your ears, lights flashing all around...and the excitement of a crowd of thousands is building. Concerts. I love them.
There is nothing quite like seeing one of your favorite musicians perform their music live to a room of adoring fans. It makes them a bit larger than life, but at the same time more real.
And Carrie Underwood is no exception.

Last week I "chaperoned" my daughter and my mother as they attended Carrie's show. Anneke purchased a ticket for my mom for her birthday this summer and they were both giddy excited to attend. I was privileged to have a photographer's pass and take some awesome shots of Carrie as she took the stage.

Even better, Anneke won backstage passes, so she and my mom were able to meet Carrie face to face. Can you say highlight? They were both bouncing off the wall!

I do love country music and Carrie knows how to put on an awesome show. And although I'm not a fan of her uber short hemlines, I do love that she remembers how to dress like a girl.

Sequins. Lace. Ruffles. Frills.
I thought her dress (well the dress she wore this past Sunday night on the red carpet...she changes...a lot) was absolutely stunning. Perfect color. Perfect fit. She exuded femininity.
I love the look of the smokey eye and almost nude lip. It's simple, yet stunning.
As the holiday's approach and there are party's to attend. Let's take a que from Carrie. Being a girl is okay. Even better? Dressing like one.
Posted on November 20 2012