Compassion what is it? On BEing Compassionate.

Compassion. I hear that word a lot. What does it mean? What does it require? How does one BE compassionate?
I easily feel the sympathy and sorrow part. I always FEEL deeply for those less fortunate, for those who are suffering. And I DO want to do some to alleviate that suffering. But I too often fall short of actually taking action. I fall into that category of thinking "someone else will do it". One thing I have always felt compelled to do is use my gifts to make a difference. To find a way with jewelry to "help" in some way. It started with a bracelet designed to raise money for Breast Cancer research waaaaay back in 2002 and then a bracelet to raise money for aid for the devastation after Hurricane Katrina. Most recently I created a necklace to raise money for the victims of the earthquake in Haiti. It sounds noble. It did make a difference...even though small in the great scheme. But it never seems like enough.
But for is what I CAN do. It's something. It's at least using my talents in a positive light, more than just a piece of pretty adornment. Most recently I was asked if I wanted to help a friend of a friend :) raise money for her marathon run to benefit Compassion International. It struck a chord. I love this organization. I love their heart. I love their mission.
Instead of donating proceeds from basic sales in my shop. I chose to design something. And I love it. It is a sterling silver bar that says compassion on one side and has a reminder on the other to pray. It's on a piece of cool leather cord that wraps around your wrist 2 or 3 times.
I will be donating a percentage of the sale for each bracelet to Sarah's run in the name of TEAM Compassion until her run June. (you can read the story about her running here). After that I will donate directly to Compassion International.
So what will you do? Will you choose to be compassionate? Will you choose to do SOMETHING?
I love the way Carrie Underwood puts it in her song "Change" - she says:
Because in fact...we can. Just take action and BE compassionate. (here is the direct link to the bracelet)The smallest thing an make all the difference - love is alive - Don't listen to them when they say, 'you're just a fool, just a fool, to believe you can change the world'
Posted on May 06 2011