Family Style. Edging into Autumn and BOOTS!

If I have to start thinking about autumn and {gasp} winter, at the very least I need to start thinking boots. If you know me at all...I'm ALL about boots. In fact. I may have a problem. Albeit small. Ok, not so small. Fine. I love boots. Many much of boots. All the boots in fact. Yes, I'm done saying boots. For now.
Isabel's style: Jeans / American Eagle - Top by it's mine / Gliks - sandals / Target - jewelry /
Tahlia’s style: Dress / Wet Seal ( prices are good…be careful with styles…somethings are “questionable” ) - shoes / Sperry - jewelry /
My style: Dress / Old Navy - Booties / /jewelry /
I love boots. Many much of boots. ALL the boots, in fact.
The weather is still warm, but that doesn't mean we can't start bringing our wardrobe into fall tones. The best part of this season is that bare legs are still ok. Sleeves are optional. And the color palette is outstanding. And boot(ies). That's how I'm edging into footwear with covered toes. The good news? I don't have to worry about painted toes as much! Winning! My girls are super excited for their new season wardrobe. We had an awesome summer. But, alas, it's time. Here is how we best take on a tad bit more crispness in the morning, but still full on warm sunshine in the afternoon. As you may have noticed, sleeves are taking on a new look this season. Bare shoulders and lots of open work. Super fun. I love how Isabel has on a bit more fall like top but yet pairs it with her strappy fun sandals so she's not QUITE giving up her summer. And apparently now we buy jeans pre-ripped. Personally? I was always good at wearing through my own, but these darn teens don't want to wait that long, so...we pay for pre-ripped jeans. SMH.Sleeves are taking on a new look this season!
Tahlia, ever the dress girl found this sweet flow-y dress which is PERFECT for in between. It's still light enough for now paired with her Sperry's, but once the leaves start falling all she needs in some funky tights and boots. Same with my dress. As we have established, sleeves are not my thing. But take this cute SLEEVELESS shift and add booties. Instant autumn. A few weeks down the road I'll add a cardigan and tights. The color is so rich and delicious. And, this style dress is flattering for pretty much any body shape and size. Now tell me. Have you dusted off your boots yet? I'm not alone right?

Posted on September 20 2016