Fitness and Exercise. It's all in the clothes. Sorta.
Exercise. Fitness. Working out. It really starts with your head game.
And for me? A great mindset for all things starts in my closet. Think about it. Whether you're having an ongoing conversation with yourself about WHY you need to get out of bed and workout. Or you're stuck in your afternoon slump and you need to just get up and move. The right workout gear can be your proverbial carrot on a stick. I mean seriously...
...If you haven't gotten all giddy about a new sports bra you just haven't lived! Sorry guys. But all kidding aside. It really does make a difference. As an exercise addict and BeachBody coach (yes really) I live in my workout gear. Also, let's just get this out in the open. I'm not talking about "gym mom" who has perfect hair and makeup in her yoga pants. I'm fairly sure she wouldn't knew a Warrior 2 if it reached out and ninja kicked her. I'm talking about putting on the clothes that make you want to sweat in them. And if you put them on? You better use. Deal? Here are my top picks. I'm a huge New Balance fan. From running shoes to cross trainers. I buy mine at Joe's New Balance outlet. Sign up for their emails. They email you the "deal of the day" and it really is a steal. If you are unsure if New Balance is your thing...go try them out in fitness store. Get fitted. Bonus. If you use Ebates...that works on their site too.
Shorts. Desperately. In. Love. with Old Navy running shorts. They don't climb up your rear. They come in fantastic motivational colors. And I snagged my 3, 4, 6 pairs for $9. a piece. SCORE! And actually their Active Wear line is very nice. It doesn't hold up to a million washings...but for the price...can't beat it. Pants. Sports bras. Complete fitness ensembles. Fabletics. They have me heart and soul. I almost love my workout clothes from Fabletics more than boots. Almost. I'm not quite that crazy!!
It is a monthly club. The first outfit is $25 which is totally amazing. And then you have a monthly option to purchase or opt out. And yes...if you sign up using this link I totally get points for referring you. But that is SO not why I'm telling you about them. It's mostly because I'm dead serious. What I love is that they are outfits. Sports Bra. Pants. Top of some sort. They are extremely fashionable and they wear beautifully. I set a reminder on my phone for the second of every month so I can either choose an outfit or opt out without getting charged. I basically wear something from Fabletics
Other great places to pick up styling active wear? H&M. Forever 21. Zulily. I know there is LuLuLemon and Athleta, and believe me, I totally covet their clothes...but completely out of my budget. Key. Find something you love. Put it on. Feel great. Work out. It's actually pretty simple. If you are interested in my info about finding a fitness program that works for you...message me. I'm always happy to help. Exercise is something you do for you. I do it because I have to...for my mental stability - but I know how good I feel after getting my sweat on! ESPECIALLY when I'm wearing something fantastic!
xooxoxox, lisa

Posted on September 29 2015