The Boot lady. That's what some of you call me. What? Does my slight obsession with boots show? Hey it could be worse, right?
Yes, I do love me some boots. I think they can make an otherwise dull outfit come to life. A little sass, a lot of style...and BAM! You're pulled together!
A question I get all the time is on how to wear those tall boots of yours. "I'm not a skinny jean girl, so what are my options?"
In response, here are 5 easy ways to wear a pair of boots.
Let's start with the standard...skinny jeans and boots. I understand not everyone loves the skinny jean - but once you find the right pair (I'll save THAT for another week!) throwing on a sweet pair of boots over your jeans is an easy style. And if I am out and about town, I may never take my coat I at least look fashionable and put together from my coat hemline down! These Steve Madden Boots
are the bomb? Love the studs!
The key to skinny jeans in boots...and this is magic...Boot Straps. Many of you purchased them and LOVED them. My girls and I all wear them all the time. They are the best thing since sliced bread. You're welcome.
Not all boots need to be on TOP of your jeans. My new favorite pair of jeans are from the GAP...Straight Jeans. They are totally flattering and perfect OVER my tried and true FRYE Women's Harness Boots
- (worth every single penny.) I also think these jeans would look equally awesome over a pair of heeled boots or even booties!
Dresses and skirts are a great way to show off your boots. Throw on a pair of tights, it's that easy. I love these boots I got from DSW - they are probably supposed to be over the knee style...but my legs are really long! True story! I don't love this shaft height OVER jeans - I think it shortens your legs too much. The sweater dress is from Levi's.
Ok, we need to attack the subject of leggings.
First, leggings are not pants.
They are not flattering as pants.
And no one should wear them as pants.
They ARE a substitute for tights...a bit thicker and darker...but still...NOT PANTS. And no one, not even those most fit person alive, looks fashionable wearing leggings as pants. You just look like you belong at the gym. So please, if you are going to wear them - because they are comfy - pair them with something LONG. Like this awesome shirt dress from Old Navy. Rant over. Still like me? :)
And boot socks are a great way to add a little bit of zing to an outfit. I'm a huge fan of Free People, and they have the BEST boot socks.
These are my daughter's gorgeous boots she got for Christmas from Shoe Dazzle - they are a shoe of the month type club...but no obligation to buy...and their prices are fantastic! Worn with leggings. Even at 13 she knows she needs to cover her booty. We didn't show her shirt...since this is a boot post and all...but she has a blue cotton long belted shirt from Forever 21. Super cute.
Last but not least, let's talk Ugg's or even Ugg wanna-be's. I do love my Ugg boots. They are warm and super comfortable. But they can become very sloppy and gross looking, and way to often I seem them paired guessed it...LEGGINGS! NOOOOOOOOO!
Ugg's are a great cold weather accessory. Tuck in your skinny jeans or even your straight don't need a perfect slim line for these. But treat them as winter fashion...not slippers, K?
So there are 5 easy ways to style your boots. Nothing fancy. Nothing runway. Being fashionable is not about spending a lot of money, or even wearing the latest trend. It's about loving what you wear, feeling good about yourself, and presenting yourself well.
Something you all do very well!
Which is your favorite...and which will YOU try?