How to create a Vision Board for Kids

Yes I'm a homeschool mom. This year was a really tough year. As my business grew, so did the demands on my time, which was a hard balance.
But my girls were patient with me, me not so much with them (sorry), and we trudged through.
After much thought, and pondering, and option weighing, and praying we have decided to do it all over again next year. And it's going to rock...hard!
So to finish strong I gave them the assignment to make a Vision Board. I asked them....What do you want to accomplish NEXT year? What do you want to learn? What are you dreaming about?
The idea? Give them something to strive for. Give me something to keep us on track.
The results? Unbelievable!!
But first you need to see them "in progress"...because I believe the process of deciding and creating is the BIGGEST part of creating vision! And they really thought things through. There were frustrations, changed minds, crumpled designs, but THAT was the process! What do you REALLY want to accomplish? What is REALLY important? What REALLY excites you?
Before I do the big reveal of their boards, I want you to start thinking. What's your vision for the next year? Do you have one? Have you thought about it at all?
Now is a great time! Grab a poster board, a scissors, some scrapbook adhesive AND a lot of magazines. And just.start.cutting. Don't think too much. See something you like? Cut it out!
Now think about words. Words that motivate you. Words that make you say "YES"! Write them down...find them in a magazine...print them out.
There you go!
Tell me what you would put on YOUR vision board. Don't be scared to DREAM. Reach for what seems to be unattainable. You will be amazed at what seeing your dreams in tangible form will do!
Tomorrow I will reveal my girls boards. You'll be amazed! Three VERY different boards. Three incredible personalities shining through. Three minds and spirits so willing to dream. It's a beautiful thing!
I heart that...a lot!
BE creative!
~ lisa
Posted on June 29 2011