I make stuff. how dare I say I'm a goldsmith.

I may not actually SAY that, but often times I FEEL that.
"Lisa, what do you do?"
"Oh, you know...I make stuff." It doesn't always appear so glamorous in my mind. Or, to go the opposite, I might daringly say, "I'm a goldsmith." But that sounds pretentious and I find myself backing down immediately, as I did in the Sprint store last night. Which turns into belittling what I do with "ha ha ha, pound on metal, play with fire...yada yada yada." Why do I do that?
But instead of psychoanalyzing myself. And trust me. I do. I thought I would show you some of the fruits of my labor from the last few weeks. Because...you know..."I make stuff."
Enjoy the tour.
AND... if you like to see more "behind the scenes" or "in process photos" I Instagram and now I'm having a blast with SnapChat. We should like totally follow each other. *insert vocal fry*
xooxo, lisa
So I realize this isn't jewelry...but these are my "girls" playing in the snow. How cute are they? You're welcome.

Posted on February 16 2016