lasts. firsts. school.

It's back to school time already.
As a former "Michigander" this whole starting school before Labor Day seems ludicrous to me. IN birthday is September 3. In my whole life I only had 3 birthdays during the school year! My first day of Kindergarten. My first day of 6th grade. And my first day of my senior year. Also the day I got my license, and...I remember what I wore. But that's not really what we are talking about here.
What were we talking about? Oh right, the fact that it's still summer and my kids started school today.
But today is much more than the first day of school.
Today is a day of lasts and firsts.

FIRST. My oldest child driving to school.
FIRST. My oldest child driving two of his siblings and a girlfriend.
FIRST. Having three children in high school.
FIRST. And this is the weirdest. After many years of homeschooling, and a late start for school with our move last year, this is the first year they have ALL gone to school on the first day of school. So in a sense, this is our very FIRST FIRST day of school.
But it also a day of lasts.
Noah is a senior {{gulp}}.
That makes this the LAST first day of school with all our kids under our roof.
The end of a season.
Weird. But I'm not sad.
Truly. I'm excited.
So although it's a's also a beginning.

As parents, we are grooming our future. Our children are the future. They hold it in their hands. They can change it for the better. They can make a difference.
We will continue to teach them. To mold them. To remind them to...
- Love God.
- Obey His word.
- Love your family.
- Tell the truth.
- Other people count.
Our family values. We hope - and pray - they stick.
That being's to the future. OUR future. YOUR future.
I DO believe it's very bright!
(except when they look like this. I asked them to show me how they really feel about the first day of school. Well, there you have it!)

Posted on August 14 2013