My small business story in a nutshell

Today is small business Saturday. It's a day when we support the many, many entrepreneurs like myself as we pursue our passions!
I thought I would give you a small backstory of MY small business.
In 2001 I started making jewelry. It seems I had a "knack" and started selling to friends and via home parties. Eventually the website (which was so rough!) was built. By 2002 I had 4 "littles" 6 and under. I was homeschooling and creating. It became apparent that my business was way more than a "hobby" it was a necessity for our family.
(Grand Rapids Press article 2005)
What an incredible blessing to have this dream become a reality. And 20 years later to have this business continue to support myself and my family is just...well....amazing.
Your support is a purchase of love. Designed and created by my hands. Each piece carefully considered. From concept design, to fabrication, to finishing, to packaging, to photography, to social media, and marketing. It's me. Just me.
Years ago, I thought I wanted to scale. Get big! Be a recognizable name. But as time progressed, I realized that, yes, I needed this business to be sustainable, but it was way more about the connections to YOU. I didn't want to lose that.
I've said this before. And it remains true.You are my why? And when I'm tired and exhausted and stressed out, that is what I remember. And THAT is what keeps me going. So you? Thank you.
I don't know what the future holds. I don't know how LLD will evolve. I do know I am commited to exceptional designs, and meaningful connections. That is my promise to you!