Tradition New Years Day Stockings

I don't know when we started this. Probably after one Christmas of watching toddlers in "present overload". But we started holding off on "stockings" until New Years morning. And you know what? It's one of my MOST FAVORITE traditions ever.
It starts with a cup of very strong coffee...all my mornings do! And very impatient munchkins waiting for "the word" to begin ... systematically of course... opening up the gifts hidden in those stockings that magically appeared filled overnight!
They gifts are fun as well as meaningful, things I collect all year round...and things I pick up in those amazing post Christmas sales! Trust me, you get a lot of bang for your buck if you wait until New Years!
They oooh and ahhh over each one...and I take pictures...lots of pictures! There is this new part of me that knows my time with them is fleeting. They are growing up SO fast!
There are even daddy and mommy gifts. He got socks...I got candy. I win!
But my most favorite part is how we end...They get a new devotional for the year. Something to help them start out their year on the right foot...with the right focus. I meticulously take time to choose one that is right...for them. I write in it. And pray that that their love for Jesus will grow each and every day. And that is how the Lehmann's start our year.

Posted on January 05 2011