Tuesday Tell All

It’s been a while since my last Tuesday Tell all…which was a snippet about what my mom loved. Sadly, she passed on the 18th and I have been consumed with that. Honestly, it’s been hard to get back into the swing of things. You don’t know what life will be like without your mom until she’s just not there.
I’ve been back in the studio, slowly getting reacclimated, and now it’s time to get back to this piece of my work. The Tuesday Tell All. Things I love right now that I want to share with you. Ready?
What am I reading?
I spent a ton of time in my car driving back and forth to where my parents are the last month and audio books have been my saving grace. Two books I read stand out as must-reads. The Tattooist of Auschwitz was NOT an easy thing to read, but so good. And staying in that them a bit was Beneath A Scarlet Sky. Both were amazing. Educational. Insightful. Thought-provoking.
What am I eating for breakfast?
Oatmeal. I tend to get stuck in a rut when it comes to breakfast. I like to pack as much protein as possible into my day and this is a great way to start. But I don’t just make oatmeal. I add a scoop of protein powder. It sweetens the oatmeal without adding sugar and gives it the extra protein I need to start in the morning. I make my oatmeal microwave style. Half a cup of oats, one cup of water. After it’s cooked I add in my protein and a handful of blueberries. Let it sit a bit. Then stir in some almond milk. Creamy and amazing! The protein powder I love in my Oatmeal is salted caramel by MyProtein you can purchase that here.
What am I doing for a hobby?
This seems like a bit of a funny one, but I get asked this a lot. I think because what is my fulltime job is many peoples hobby! I have found my solace in painting. I love it. The wide brush strokes. Doing something on a larger scale. I love acrylic on canvas, but I also love painting on my iPad. I use a few different apps. My current favorite is Adobe Procreate. Not free, I think it’s $9.99 but worth it. It’s a bit of a learning curve, but there are a ton of tutorials out there. It feels the most like a brush to me. I painted this for my mom’s funeral folder cover. I think it looks very watercolor realistic.

What is my must-have for my skin?
I struggle with eczema. I always have. It pops up with stress…and as you can imagine…it’s been running rampant on my body as of late. Recently, it started showing up mostly on my eyes and neck. Annoying. I have tried EVERYTHING. I even tried fancy prescriptions. Nothing seemed to help. A friend suggested a CBD cream. I was a bit skeptical. Until I tried it. Ummm…it works! Like whoa, it works. I purchased Charlotte’s Web cream at my local health store, it’s pricey…but you don’t need much. I can’t tell you how happy I am I tried this. It’s amazing.
What is my favorite piece of jewelry RIGHT NOW?
If I had a penny for everytime I’m asked this question I’d have…a lot of pennies! LOL. Currently, since it is February, not only is Valentine’s Day quickly approaching, it’s also the month for Amethyst. I knew amethyst had all sorts of super powers…. taken from The Energy Muse:
Amethyst healing properties are as plentiful as the stone itself. It is thought of mostly as a protective stone. As it is linked to the crown chakra, it is helpful in purifying the mind and clearing it of negative thoughts. This includes the negativity of stress and anxiety, which is why many meditate with amethyst so as to rid themselves of that darkness. Amethyst healing properties are especially useful in regards to work-related stress because the stone is also associated with abundance; therefore relieving stress while emanating prosperity. The amethyst properties which facilitate intuition and communication can also be applied to increased work effectiveness.
I think I must need amethyst in my life right now for many reasons…so I’m wearing this bracelet NON STOP. I have three more available if you are interested.
That’s all I have for this week. If there is anything you want to know just shoot me an email!
To see my last Tuesday Tell All click HERE.