10 things I learned about myself while I was away

Getting back into the swing of things has been a bit...shall we say...difficult?
Please forgive my sporadic, even off topic blogging. Sometimes my mind is going in so many directions I can't even follow it. I have boots to talk about. New products I love to share. And so many cool "ask Lisa" questions I don't know where to begin. But it is my blog, I suppose I could write about pouring cement if I wanted to. {where did that come from?}

However, I did a lot of reflecting in the endless airport waiting, and flying - have I mentioned what a pain cross country flying is? Reflecting = thinking. Don't worry, I didn't hurt myself!

Anyway, I thought I would give you the top ten things I learned about myself in the last 2 weeks. If you're interested...read on...if not...have a great day! {{insert smiley face here!}}
- When I walk down a sidewalk, even if it's for miles, I avoid cracks - as if I'm still 7 years old. You know, "don't step on the crack, you'll break your mother's back". I know...weird!
- I could so easily be a vegetarian.
- I am a lot taller than other people. A lot. Maybe even giant sized. At least it feels like it.
- Just because you are self-taught in a certain area, does not mean your skill set is inferior, nor should you feel that way. This is a mantra I need to put on auto repeat in my head.
- It is very important to me to make people serving me feel "happy". Whether it be at Starbucks, or checking out at Walgreens. I found myself going out of my way to make them smile.
- I CAN go to a restaurant all by myself. THIS is a very big deal. I wouldn't even eat in college unless I had someone to eat with. #truestory
- I am far more adventurous when I am with someone else else. Otherwise I tend to play it on the safe side.
- I am still intimidated walking into a room or classroom of new people. Will I ever "grow out" of this?
- I LOVE being in a city. I love the sights, the sounds, the hustle, the bustle. LOVE it!
- I truly love metal. The more I learn the more my fascination grows. It's not just the making of the jewelry, but the manipulation of the metal that inspires me. I love what it can do, I even love the way it smells.
- There is no place like home. I know this makes my list have eleven things...but it is MY list on MY blog, and I can do what I want...so there! :)
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p.s. look at this cool ring I made! |
Have you learned anything new about yourself lately? Tell me!
and, it really is good to be home!
Posted on January 30 2013