a Happy Birthday Giveaway for you!

Today is my birthday. Funny how they come around every year. Normally I am all about birthdays and celebrating and confetti and a whole lot of hoopla...but not this year. And I'm not entirely sure why.
Could it be that whole aging thing? Possibly. I HAVE changed quite a bit! Don't judge!

But instead of getting all melancholy and pensive...I've decided that celebrating is probably JUST the thing I need! Here is where you come in. Are you game?
This week I am giving away FOUR $100 gift certificates to my store. I don't talk about my jewelry designs on the blog too much...but I'm pretty sure you can find something you like! Click ---> here to visit my store!
To make it SUPER easy I've created a rafflecopter widget below. I can set diamonds and play with fire...but I am not very techy...so this is a very big deal for me! Again, don't judge!
Details. Your mandatory entry is to go to my online store and find your favorite thing...today! Then come back here and leave the link! Then of course there are other ways to enter to make your chances even better - some are easy, some are basic, some are just plain stupid. But hey...that's the way I roll! Come back every day this week and tell me your favorite item THAT day...and increase your chances of winning. Not too tough...right?
Thanks for celebrating with me. Thanks for always giving me a reason to smile. Thanks for being my friends. I am grateful for each of you!
Posted on September 03 2013