Hold Fast

It's been a long week. Even the weekend was stressful. This is my birthday week. I should be thinking of happy celebration things...and I am...sort of. But I have a lot on my plate this week.
I have so much to process and think about and do...that sometimes it's just paralyzing. Sometimes...it stops me dead in my tracks and I can't think at all. Well not logically anyway. It's then I have to fight with everything I have, NOT to curl up in a little ball and shut down. But I'm a dang tough fighter in case you didn't know.
Sometimes I need a little encouragement. A reminder.
This is my reminder to me today, and to anyone who might be struggling or stressed out.
(Don't worry mom, it's just a sharpie...I didn't get another tattoo.)
Hold Fast. Help IS on the way. I do have a hope and a future, I know that.
So today I rest. Today I process. Tomorrow I'll start eating my elephant, one bite at a time. And then?
Then I'll think about how you can celebrate my birthday on Saturday {hint hint}. If you need my address, just let me know :)
you are so loved.
xoxo, lisa

Posted on August 28 2011