Homemade Herb Braided Bread are you ready for this?

Besides the studio I am VERY at home in the kitchen. In fact, I love it there. If I had my way I would cook and bake far more often than I do. But then there's that whole "hours in the day" thing that gets in the way. One thing I love to make is bread. Now before you walk away and say, "I don't do yeast"! Stick with me.
This is a very easy bread to make. If you follow the instructions it WILL rise. And the result? Magnificent! I have made this dozens of times...and never a failure! And actually I almost HATE to give you the recipe. Really. It should be my special secret that goes to my grave with me....but see how nice I am?

Garden Herb Braided Bread
4 to 4-1/2 cups all purpose flour 3 Tablespoons sugar 2 packages of active dry yeast (1/4 ounce each) 1-1/2 teaspoons salt 1-1/2 teaspoons dried marjoram 3/4 teaspoons dried thyme 3/4 teaspoons dried rosemary 3/4 cup milk 1/2 cup water 1/4 cup butter 1 egg, beatenIn a mixing bowl combine 1-1/2 cups flour, sugar, yeast, salt and spices. Pretty isn't it? In a microwave safe measuring cup, combine the milk, water and butter. Heat for 15 seconds at a time until the temperature of the mix is between 120º and 130º degrees. Do not underheat...it won't rise. Do not overheat...it won't rise. Nuff said.

Roll each piece into a rope about 28 inches long.
Braid. I start in the middle, it makes it easier. Pinch the ends to seal. Isn't it pretty? I shape mine into a horseshoe, for the sole purpose of fitting on my baking sheet...but it's not necessary.

Posted on July 26 2011