How to Set Up an ETSY shop for dummies

I have had a lot of questions in the last few weeks about setting up an Etsy Shop. And since I've already written the post....I thought it was a good time for a re-post!
Whoo Hooo! You are on your way. You did it! Sit back, take a deep breath and congratulate yourself! This is a big deal, taking the first step is always hard, but you did it! Now let’s get that shop set up!
3. Once you are logged in, click on the word SELL at the top of the home page. This is where Etsy will guide you through the steps to get your shop started. Their directions are so clear, I’m going to leave you to read through and follow the steps. This will include entering address information, billing information as well as a credit card number. Don’t worry, no charges, just important to validate you are indeed a real human being. Read on when you are all set to sell!
4. There are several items you should have ready before you even list your first item.
Click on the words Public Profile in the left margin. You will be directed to a place to upload a photo of yourself, your AVATAR. Then add your location, and other important information. The next thing you will need to add is your BIO.
This is exactly what it says…a mini biography about you. Keep it short, keep it simple, but do it. People want to buy from a person, not a store. That is why they are shopping on Etsy in the first place, so make them want to buy from you! Shop around read other artists bios. What do you like about them? What appeals to you? Use that info to get you started…but DO IT!
Click on the link in the left margin SHOP SETUP to make your shop yours all yours. Don’t be scared, you’re a creative person remember? This is the fun part!
- BANNER: This can be a simple jpeg file with your shop name, or something deluxe. Your banner is what appears at the top of your shop. Consider it your Marquis, or sign. Etsy is so incredibly user friendly they even have a place to give you a head start in banner making. You can choose from several styles they have available here or you can do a search for “banner design” and find a fellow etsyian to design one for you!
- SHOP ANNOUNCEMENT: This is your mini bio about your shop. It needs to be catchy, short, descriptive and to the point. If it is too long, they can’t even see your listed items. So write something simple, you can always edit later.
- ALCHEMY: That’s for another post! Leave the DO NOT ALLOW checked for now.
- MESSAGE TO BUYERS: This is a mini thank you note your buyer will receive as an email after they complete a purchase in your shop. Again, simple and sweet!
- POLICIES: Here again Etsy is fabulous at walking you through the steps necessary. Just read! You can read can’t you?
- SECTIONS: This is not important right away, however, if you sell jewelry like myself you may want to divide your items into sections like rings, bracelets, and necklaces.
- SHIPPING OPTIONS: I know you are feeling discouraged by all the info, but don’t be! None of this is too difficult, and you have me to guide you, so hang in there!
- Name it something like BASIC SHIPPING
- Choose your location
- Choose where you will ship to.
- Primary Shipping Cost: how much will it cost you to ship ONE of your items.
- Don’t be greedy…be accurate. Weigh your item, go to the USPS website and
- calculate postage. Figure in the cost of your box, or envelope or whatever
- packing materials are needed and type in that amount.
- Secondary Item: add an amount to ship an additional item AT THE SAME TIME.

~Click NEXT~
~~SORT YOUR ITEM~~ Again Etsy does a fabulous job of describing how to do this. Read, read, read. Then do, do, do. Don’t worry…you CAN change it later!
~Click NEXT~
~~PAYMENT INFO~~ Enter your price, how many you have for sale, choose your loaded shipping profile (BASIC SHIPPING)
~Click NEXT~
~~IMAGES ~~ Upload your images one at a time. The first image you upload will be the thumbnail shown for your listing.
~Click NEXT~
~~FINISH~~ This is where you proofread everything and make your final check. If you want to change anything, click on the pencil next to the part you want to change and it will take you back to that section.
~Click FINISH~
YOU’RE DONE! YOU DID IT! I am so proud of you!
There are so many more facets to Etsy, but now that you have the basics, you can get your items listed and then take it step by step. You will never have access to a more helpful community of people than at Etsy.
Please don’t get frustrated when you don’t sell right away, people need to find you and that will be based on your tags & descriptions, as well as your involvement in the community. I myself have only begun to scratch the surface!
If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at, or visit my Etsy shop! I would LOVE to help in any way I can!
Lisa j Lehmann
Posted on May 21 2008