Introvert / Extrovert can you be both?

Don’t worry I’m giving myself a LOOK!
Ten signs you may really be an introvert but PLAY an extrovert online.
I find it funny to read and only slightly relevant.
I have begun to find my voice
I think in the last 7 years, I have begun to find my voice. Not my writing voice, not the voice in my head. The one that exists iout loud. The more confident I have become in myself, the easier it is to be confident with others.
Seven years ago I was lost and very insecure. I knew who I wanted to be. I knew who the girl inside was. But I had NO clue on how to get to her.
After much introspection. A LOT of therapy. Life changes. Entering my 50’s. And practice I finally feel like I’m not just playing an extrovert, I enjoy it!
Do not get me wrong. I am still 100% an introvert. I love being alone. I love quiet. I don’t need busy. I recharge in the peaceful moments. But I am no longer fearful of being with people or speaking in front of people, or of just being me. I love it. I am comfortable there. And dare say I? I enjoy it.
My advice to you? Don’t waste another moment being afraid of who you are. Do not hide your glorious self. You are a beautiful creation. You have a purpose. You are meant for greatness. Even if that purpose and greatness is with a few people in a small space…THAT matters. YOU matter.
Don’t waste another moment being afraid of who you are.
(Also? I still hate answering the phone. Some things never change