How to care for and clean your jewelry

How do I keep my jewelry clean and how do I clean my jewelry when it gets "icky" aka black and tarnished? These are questions I get asked all the time!
What good is your jewelry if you can’t find it….or worse yet, when you do find it….it is in terrible condition! And let's face it, sometimes we forget about a certain piece of jewelry for a time. And after that kind of neglect, your sterling silver jewelry is tarnished and no longer beautiful. To keep your jewelry gorgeous and sparkly I have a few basic tips for you!
Tips to clean your jewelry and keep it well cared for and accessible!
- Wear it! Sounds simple right? Jewelry is meant to be worn…it LIKES to be worn…it tarnishes LESS when it’s worn…true story!! My go to sterling silver jewelry pieces I can leave out, only because they get worn almost daily. Silver just LOVES to be worn. If there are pieces of value in your jewelry box that you don’t wear…let's create something NEW that you love so that it gets OUT of your box…and onto your body! Message me to start the conversation!
- Put your “everyday” pieces someplace very accessible. If you have a ring or two, or even a favorite necklace or bracelet you wear everyday, I recommend taking it off and storing in the SAME place each night. This will end the, “oh no I can’t find it" moment!
- Store not so everyday pieces in an air tight jewelry box. You know those anti-moisture packs that come in every purchase you make? Save those and toss them in your jewelry box as well. See? You knew they would come in handy someday!
- Jewelry is precious. It is special. It needs to be cared for. Use common sense and don’t scratch or bang your jewelry. ESPECIALLY handcrafted jewelry! Remove your jewelry before you exercise, and before you go to sleep.
- Jewelry HATES moisture. Just remember...never immerse! Take it off before showering or swimming. Keep your jewelry away from chemicals of ALL kinds, swimming pools, hot tubs, PERFUME, and even extreme temperatures. The chlorine and bromine in pools and hot tubs is particularly damaging to stones and metal, and will even damage solid gold.
- Clean it regularly with mild sudsy water - Dawn dish soap is the best - a very soft toothbrush (preferably NOT the one you use every day!) rinse well, and pat dry with a soft cloth.
- Polish metals gently with a jewelry polishing cloth. Need a polishing cloth? I have you covered! Click here.
- If your jewelry has tarnished or discolored there are Commercial silver/gold cleaners. Be sure that any stones in the jewelry can withstand the chemicals in the cleaner. Read the label, and if in doubt, do not use a chemical cleaner.
- Ammonia and water and a drop of dawn dish soap. My favorite deep cleaning option. Mix 1 teaspoon dishwashing liquid and 1 cup warm water. Add 1/2 teaspoon of ammonia. I like to heat it in the microwave for about 10 seconds. You want it warm, not hot. **WARNING** Do NOT breathe this solution. Soak your jewelry in the solution for about 5 minutes & then gently scrub with aforementioned SOFT toothbrush. Pat dry. **NOTE** Ammonia should not be used on the same types of gemstones that should not be used with commercial cleaners - again, make sure you check!
Those are my little tidbits to help you enjoy each and every piece of jewelry you own. IF you have any questions about a piece of jewelry you own...let me know....I am happy to answer you!
xxooxooxxoox, ~ lisa