Teen fashion a mom can love part 2

Teenagers wearing clothes that you love. Yes, you heard me right. It IS possible. And I'm going to prove it to you! This is part two of a three part post on Fashion for Teens - if you missed the last post, click here!
Here's the backstory. I was going to a conference in Nashville, and my oldest daughter had the opportunity to tag along. Well, not just tag along...she was also given a job to do! I thought how perfect! And then my heart stopped.
This child of mine was entering MY world. Meeting MY people. Some of MY people I had yet to meet in real life. And there she would be...by my side. {{gasp}} Do you know what that meant? SHE would be a direct reflection of me! Now I needed to think of her wardrobe as much as my own. Drat!
So what did we do? What girls do best. We went shopping. On a budget. Hey, I needed new clothes too!!
The goal? Find a few mix and match items she could wear during the day to work in, a couple "evening" type party clothes. All the while keeping her trendy youthful style and look somewhat professional. Oiy!
Day 2 - she would be off on her own (read as without ME!) working in the suite she was assigned to. This would be her first time interacting with the conference go'ers on her own, introducing them to a brand new product. She needed to be professional as well as functional. But she definitely needed to rock her own style.
We found this adorable skirt at Kohls. I loved how flirty and feminine it was as well as length appropriate! Do you know how hard it is to find skirts of a decent length? Yikes! We paired it with a colorful tank, as you can see, any color will do. The sweater was to keep her a bit more covered as well and professional looking...and warm! Her flats, also from Kohls, made the cut as comfortable and obviously "jumpable". Her jewels? Well, LLD of course!
Evening 2 - Girls night OUT - translation...party night! It was going to include Joe Jonas and Rascal Flatts - she was VERY excited to say the least. I wanted her to feel grown up and special. She really doesn't get to do this sort of thing very often (at all). But, it needed to be appropriate.
Again I turned to Nordstroms rack - such a great place to shop the clearance department for teens - usually what is left is tiny sized and cheap...perfect for Anneke! I found this amazing sequin dress for $39! It fit her perfectly! The length was nice. It has stretch so it was comfortable. And I loved that the neck was not low and revealing! She looked so grown up...and as you can see she's a poser too :)
We paired it with her flats to keep it youthful. No necklace, just bracelets and dangling earrings. Purple hair is optional.
See? It is possible for a teen girl to look fashionable and fabulous! We have one more day of conference outfits to look at, so make sure you come back to check them out!
And yes, she is outside in March...in Michigan for these photos...but it was 80 degrees. I'm so not kidding. It just makes me giddy!
Where do you like to shop for your teenager?
Have any tips and ideas you would like to share?
Just click on the text to be taken to the form...easy peasy!
BE fashionable!
Posted on March 20 2012