A Metalsmiths Thank You

10 things to make a metalsmith smile
  1. When the hammer hits exactly where you intended it to, with exactly the right amount of force. And it’s a brand new hammer, too.
  2. The bezel really fits and you aren’t in denial.
  3. You find a 2” x 6” sheet of 18-gauge silver you forgot you bought.
  4. No firescale.
  5. The ring fits the finger you made it for.
  6. No scratches.
  7. You put exactly the perfect size solder chip right where it needed to be.
  8. The eagle eyed cat looks right at the 3mm faceted stone you just dropped on the floor until you pick it up.
  9. The sawblade doesn’t break when you know it really should have.
  10. The phone call that results when your best friend e-mails you a photo of the piece she just finished at exactly the same time you were e-mailing her a piece you just finished.
So what makes you smile about what you do?
xoxoxo, lisa

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