Art Journals ~ how to create them with your kids

How to create an art journal for yourself and with your kids. A fun project. A meaningful project. Something you won't regret.
I wrote this post last October. I want to reintroduce it because it's time to update our journals...and it is definitely NOT a one time project.
Being a creative, I have "made" creative children. Big surprise right? But I also have this problem. I don't like "the messies", which is hard for a child that is trying to be artistic to understand. I also have a natural aversion to PlayDoh, but that's a whole other story.

ANYway, I do desire them to explore and create. And I want them to find what THEY like to do, not necessarily follow my creative path. So when Lucrecer Braxton from Art Slam, who I adore by the way, encouraged me to enroll with my girls - in her Life is in the Art - Journaling class, I eagerly agreed.

Posted on March 14 2012