Fashion Tip Tuesday - How to Wear White Pants

White pants year round.
Good Humor Man? Hardly!
Stark uniform? Not a chance!
Out for milk deliver? Whatever!
Who knew a white wardrobe could be so questionable, yet so easy and amazing. And here's your big secret....white is NOT just for summer!
Let me back up. Last week in my ask Lisa video, I was wearing an all white ensemble. Several people asked if there were rules with wearing white. Rules? Do you know me at all?
Okay, there are some rules - but I would say more like guidelines - rules are meant to be broken. Yes, I'm a tad rebellious. Mostly, make sure you choose the right fit...for YOU. Make sure you add some color. Make sure you have proper undergarments - aka you can see through white, catch my drift? And remember, bleach is your friend.

White on white is awesome, and very acceptable - I went for classic simple pairing them with a basic tee. But what makes it NOT look like a uniform, is the airy brown belt and "strappy" black flat sandals. Yup, brown and black, remember the whole rule theory?

And then of course accessories, pull it together. I decided to embrace "natural" and chose leather and silver for my wrists - simple silver studs for my ears, and this gorgeous circa 2006 LLD wood necklace. It's perfect for this outfit with it's weight and texture.

You could also pair this with your glitter shoes you made a couple weeks ago. They would add some sparkle and interest to your basic white on white! Then I would add in more heavy duty black and leather accessories. You know, embracing your rocker chic vibe!

Heading out for the evening? Need to "style up"? Add a colorful - light airy - top. Some stellar heels (p.s do not walk in the grass with said "stellar high heels" that is all). A glitzy belt - mine is black sequins, you just can't see me!

Summers over and you're still in love with your white pants? Don't put them in storage! I have some ideas. But for RIGHT NOW let's stay in the moment of embracing the that okay with you? Ok, thanks!
Now shoo, go get yourself some white pants, the summer clearance racks are full of them! This is your time!
Posted on July 17 2012