meet Tahlia Sage - Discovery Girl
I want you to meet my Discovery Girl.
In taking this blog back - I think it's important you know me.
Why? To know me is to trust me. To trust me is to read me. One of those round about things. amIright?
Tahlia Sage. My smallest person.
Teenager. Creative. Fashionista. Personable.
She adds so much color to our world. And all her color is very much outside the lines.
She is vibrant. And spirited.
Her future potential is off the charts. This year she was chosen to be a Discovery Girl by Discovery Girls magazine, and was on the cover in February. See? Potential.
And today she relaunched her blog. So I will let HER introduce you to herself.
Meet Tahlia.
Love you sweet girl...with all my heart.
xoxo, lisa

Posted on July 02 2015