Navigating the tides of the sea.

Growth is painful, exhilarating, tumultuous.
Growth is an ebbing sea of ups and downs.

I present myself to you as a person grateful. Blessed. Excited. Exhausted.
Days of weathering the the ever changing surges of the sea, at times battered by squalls, but others calmly floating along on waters as brilliant as a summer sky. It is all part of the thrill of being an entrepreneur.
We strive and strive for the golden ring, but once it's within grasp, do we grab it? Do we allow our finger tips to reach even further, even though the stretch can be painful and taxing.
But what exactly is THAT prize?
For me, I get to be Captain of my vessel. Master of the sails.

But I reach for the ring. My finger tips brush at it's shiny surface. I can feel the coolness of the metal.

This is a journey. It's not so much about the destination.
But in all the busyness. I cannot even express to you the joy I experience in being chosen by you to create something that will be gifted to another. It is an honor. A privilege.
Stamping your love messages. Crafting your ornaments. Setting your stones. It thrills me.
*my fingers curve around the surface of the ring*
Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your Christmas. For breathing into my sails. For journeying with us into the immensity of the sea.
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." ~ Mark TwainThank you for reading my words. For hearing my heart. You are so loved. xoxox, lisa
Posted on December 01 2011