Preparing for Bead and Button Show YIKES I'm a teacher

So I've been talking about this, planning for this, preparing for this for quite some time. But it just hit me. I'm a teacher. I'm a teacher at the Bead and Button Show no less. One of the BIGGEST bead and jewelry making shows! *gulp*
I will be teaching real people...with a real vested interest in jewelry design. There are bead store owners, women who have been making jewelry for years, an owner of HUGE jewelry supply company!
What was I thinking?
So to say I'm nervous is an understatement! I was up 4:30 this morning with a full blown panic attack! Ok, I know everything is magnified in the middle of the night...I know that...but I could not convince the rest of me to let it go. The mind is a strangely powerful thing!
I do love to teach...but I am always my own worst enemy. And of course, I always worry about what people will think of me. Will I do a good job? I just feel like a tiny minnow in a sea of SHARKS! Really talented sharks!
I am taking my daughter Anneke with me as my helper. She is an excellent jewelers apprentice. She is truly gifted at this whole "jewelry thing". I actually taught her to solder this morning and she did it first melting! BONUS! She will be a great asset to me there!
So what am I teaching? I never thought you would ask! I have two classes teaching how to make my Studio Earrings. They are one of my favorites to wear and fun to make. Oh, what if they cut themselves? Better bring band aides!
And then I teach how to make my wired cuff - they will be making a copper version...not sterling. They have the option of making the soldered frame or an easier scrolled wire frame. Of course half of them want to solder, and I add....they never have soldered before...mercy me! I can see it now... "bead girl" lights Milwaukee on fire!
I ask for your good thoughts, your encouragement and your prayers. I already know I'll be sweating up a storm, I always do when I'm if you have any deodorant recommendations, I'll take those too!
Have a great weekend, and don't forget....
BE creative!
~ lisa
Posted on June 03 2011