Telling your story. Telling my story. Telling my story of depression with jewelry.

Telling your story. Telling my story. Telling my story of depression with jewelry.
It is the stories. Sometimes they are your stories and sometimes they are mine. But truly, behind every piece of jewelry I design, or every piece of jewelry someone purchases from me or even elsewhere, there is a story. I love the stories. Sometimes I like to TELL my story. But sometimes it's easier to show it. Awhile ago I was invited to share my story about my struggle with depression to a group. Out loud. In front of real people! Probably one of the most difficult things I have ever done. In preparation…I wrote my story down. All of it. From the very beginning.

Sometimes I like to TELL my story. But sometimes it's easier to show it.

It was hard. Like really hard. It made me relive a lot of memories. Memories I would rather not linger upon. Memories better left buried.
The entire time I wrote, the story kept playing itself out in visual form. I live in the visual… so it makes perfect sense.
I began to sense the need to design. The need to create. I wanted to make something.
Something tangible.
Something visual.
Something that would SHOW my story rather than just tell it.
depression story in jewelry
Here is its story.
Because it is a beautiful piece of jewelry, it shows that there is beauty after the storm.
The swirling shape reminds me of how I felt. It was as if I was stuck in a spiraling whirlpool that was sucking me down into the very depths. Drowning. Gasping for air.
But there's more. The spiral also stands for something else. It is a reminder that even when I didn't FEEL it…God was surrounding me with His arms. His presence was always there. Although I felt to recognize it most of the time, he never left me.
Recycled sterling silver. I use recycled metal in all my designs because the environment is important to me. But this time? This time it meant something more. Being remade into something more beautiful. Given a second chance at life. Not starting with new… using what I had to become something better. I like that.
The Garnet stone in the center is a reminder of Jesus gift to me. It reminds me that he died for me. Not because I deserve it. But because he loves me. And because I am enough.

Enough. A single word.

Perfectly created. Seamlessly design. Living a life he intended.
Full of faults. Full of sin. Full of ugliness.
Surrounded by grace.
Again…this is MY story.
You may not believe it. You may not embrace it. That's perfectly okay.
I just needed to SHOW my story. For me.
Because it really is all about the stories isn't it? We all have one to share. And by sharing our stories…who knows?
Who knows who we may touch?
Who knows who we may inspire?
Who knows who may have needed to hear your story at that very moment.
Sometimes they are YOUR stories.
But this time?
This time…the story is mine.

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