What I want for Christmas. If I was to ask. Top 5 must haves.

Birchbox. If you have read my blog for any time at all you know my love affair with Birchbox is pure and true. Every month that little box filled with samples brings me such joy. It's fun. It's not very expensive. I have found so many products that have become my favorites. Worth every penny. So ask for a subscription for yourself. Or gift one to a friend. And yes, if you click my links on this one they give me Birchbox points. Birchbox points allow you to spend more money on their site. Basically a win for them. But hey, I don't mind. ( I also think I should get bonus points just for using the word Birchbox so many times in one paragraph - just click any of the words and it's a link to sign up. I know. Brilliant )
You mind find this silly. Ok. Most of you WILL find this silly. Hair extensions. All my life I have wanted really long beautiful hair. I think this would be a fun one to play with. Also, I'm not paying a million dollars in a salon. I follow this sweet blogger named Mimi and her product is Luxy Hair Extensions. I just want to play and pretend to be a beautiful princess. Is that really so wrong?
Boots. Again. An obsession. But can one really have too many boots? And now that the low booties are more in style... Just sayin. A girl can't go wrong with boots. My desire? Totally obsessing on these Frye boots. I know they are RIDICULOUSLY expensive but a girl can dream, right? And they are totally me! Better price wise? These cuties from Sbicca not nearly as sexy. And I sent my oldest girl to college with my DocMartens circa 1990 - kinda regretting that move. p.s. if you are feeling generous. I'm a size 10. fyi. :)
A French Press. I believe every person who enjoys a beautiful cup of black coffee needs to experience the purity of the French Press
. Personally. I don't care for the one I have. If I was to purchase one...this one by KONA
- best reviews. And yes, I read the reviews - doesn't everyone read reviews? Doesn't everyone leave reviews? Again. Word repeat. This time reviews. Dumb word.
Last but not least. Again. This is something I have and I love it. I HAVE BEEN...in the past...an avid journal-er. As you might have noticed I enjoy writing. Actually, I process best when I write things out. Somehow seeing words on paper. Also, setting goals and writing them down? WIN. But. I realize not everyone is great at journaling. Maybe you're not disciplined. Maybe you hate to write. I found this journal. Ironically, created by my blogging "friend" Mimi's husband. It's called The Five Minute Journal. The format is simple. A daily saying is waiting for you. Then you write down 3 things you are grateful for THAT day. It can be anything. Three things that would make today great. And then you write yourself an affirmation for THAT day. At night. You go back and write about 3 amazing things that happened that day. And how today could have been better. 5 minutes a day. It's a great way to document when you don't have time to really write. And it sets your mindset right. I think you can only buy the journal from their site. Here is the link ---> click me.
So there you have it. My top 5 Christmas gift recommendations for the year. Of course. You can never go wrong with jewelry. And hey...I know this girl...she has this site...StudioJewel.com - worth checking out! *shameless self promotion*
And if you haven't read my post from last week and my modeling trauma...votes are still being collected and I would appreciate yours!
much much love, lisa