Who are YOU and how can we best stay connected - ask lisa

Blogging is weird. I've been doing it for YEARS. I adore writing, but I know the blogger platform isn't the best. I know those of you who subscribe get emails from lisajl32@gmail.com WHAT? I can't seem to perfect it. I can't seem to change it. But I keep blogging along hoping…waiting…to be saved from my blogging abyss by someone much savvier and techy-er than me!
In the meantime - I want to know about YOU! How did you get here? A friend? Pinterest? My website? Etsy? Twitter? Instagram? How did you come to this tiny corner on the internet? And what makes you come back? What would make you even happier?
What I love about this space is that it is so much more than "what I do". It's a piece of who I am. Wife. Mom. Daughter. Artist. Thinker. Survivor.
I'm not looking for a "lisa you're so awesome" comment - LOL - pahleeeeese. I'm looking for YOU!
And if you want to stay even more connected - I have a newsletter that I write about 2-3 times a month. A few updates. Little snippets. And best of all, insight to ANY secret sales I might be having. Last night I announced my Christmas in July sale! HO HO HO. If you go to my website and fill out the form your in! AND…you get a 25% off gift certificate to use later! I'm never spammy. And I wouldn't DREAM of ever sharing your info. You're special to me. I want to protect that.
So go ahead. Sign up for the newsletter. And more importantly let me know about you in the comments below. Make sure you have an email attached to your comment. I'll be choosing someone to win a $50 gift certificate to my shop just for humoring me!
Happy 4th of July weekend American friends!
Posted on July 03 2014