Fashionable Flip Flops for summer style

Who says flip flops can't be fashionable? I mean, I know they aren't HIGH fashion...but we all wear them, right?
So I guess the question is, where is the best place to buy them? And which ones do you choose?
Here are my top 8 - in no particular order!

- Hands down my favorites Havaiana's - the wear extremely well, the will hold up for multiple summers. around $26
- Cute and girly. I'm not a huge fan of Vera Bradley...but I do live in Fort Wayne...and I do have a pair of VB flip flops. I love them and they too have held up for more than one summer. BONUS! You can find them at
- Target flip flops. These are my main stay. $9.99 and I buy several pairs a summer. I would say you get what you pay for...and you do. But these I love!
- Old Navy. Can you say bargain? Cheap. Easy. Buy 2 or 3. The basics are like 5 bucks. Pretty ones like these that I'm kinda crushin on are $10!
- Crocs. Not the first thing you think of when you think a. fashion OR b. flip flops. But these are da bomb. And I'll admit, I have two pairs. They might not be the prettiest...but I can wear these all day and you don't get that "I've-been-walking-barefoot-all-day" foot pain. AND I've had mine for a couple years. They look like new. around $30.
- Guys, these are hot. But they are also pricey. Worth it? Hard to say in a flip flop...but if you are going to wear a pair to work...and you can...splurge. And get a pedi while you're at it. Trust me on this one! OluKai Mea Ola from Zappos $120!
- Reefs are a standard brand. Well made and tons of styles. I'm loving these for this summer! I found them at Piperlime for $34.
- These brazilian made flip flops are so beautiful...and expensive. But Tkees makes the best...and if you need the best? So be it. Shopbop $50.
What about you? Have a pair YOU love? Then I want to know! Leave a comment!
Happy flipping!
Posted on May 14 2013