Favorite Thing - Colorful Hair

Favorite Thing - Colorful Hair
Trends. We've discussed them. We've talked about BEING the trend, not following them.
THREE years ago my girls wanted to color their hair. Streak it they said. Just a few pieces mom. You know, for fun. Well I'm all about fun. And hair? It's just hair. So I Christmas Eve 2009 (these were the days I still had free time) I took them to my salon for colorful highlights.
first the bleaching - oh my word Isabel looks like a baby here...my little girl is growing up!
then the color....then you sit....then you bake...it's a process!
They were elated...and the color looked fantastic. Christmas color. So fun!
my girls...three years ago (they'll hate me for this!)
Little did I know we'd all be hooked.
Last summer I joined the band wagon with purple highlights...and feathers...and even pink extensions. The color bug was caught.
And now, what is one of this summers HOTTEST TRENDS? Bright colored hair highlights. Little did we know we were so cutting edge!
Tahlia and her pink before she chopped her hair
Does this make us trend setters? Or just suckers for colors? Last February Anneke and I had our purple put in a bit heavier....we loved it. And really it was JUST beginning to fade.
Do not mock me. She made me do this.
***A little FYI, not all color treatments are the same. The Edge, my amazing salon, uses an ionic color that truly adheres to the hair. The color is not only vibrant, it lasts a long time. Anneke had pink put in at another salon last year...it faded within a couple of weeks. So make sure you ask questions and know exactly what you are paying for.***
Anneke's faded pink last summer. Bad color.
Yesterday, Anneke and I needed a summer refresher. So now our purple is bright and fantastic! No picture yet...sorry!
Next time, I'm trying to convince Gene-the-Amazing to dip dye my ends. Wouldn't that be awesome?
What do you think? Can you embrace this trend? If so, what color would you choose? xoooxoxoxox lisa

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