Top Ten or Twenty Things you never knew about me or maybe never wanted to know!

Utah. Creatives. New people. Travel.
This is my today.
I'm leaving for a conference in Utah...a place I've never been. To be with a bunch of creatives...people who will intimidate me. I don't know hardly any of I'm scared. And I have to leave home...again...and miss my daughters 10th that as major mommy guilt.
So instead of a Favorite Things post, I thought it was a good time to let you know the real me, just a wee bit better. That way if any of my "new" friends decide to check me out, we will be straight forward right up front. No secrets. Nothing held back!
I listed the first Top Ten about a year and a half ago, so I'll humor you with a recap and then gift you 10 more pieces of useless information. You may laugh, you may roll your eyes, but it just might give you insight into who I really am. Sort of.
- I love coffee with my whole heart. However, I gave up caffeine in March, but I still drink decaf.
- I grew up in New Jersey in the 80's - nuff said.
- I am passionate about animals and considered being a veterinarian until I realized it was heavy on the science side of things! Science and I don't get along. {{shudder}}
- When I was little and didn't have anyone to play with, I would play Monopoly by myself - if you want to know how ask me. It was very systematic. And fair.
- I do not like having curly hair.
- I had a birth mark next to my nose. It was surgically removed when I was 14 so people would stop telling me I had a spot of chocolate milk on my face. :(
- I cannot speak in pig latin no matter how hard I try.
- I've had glasses since I was 4. But I spent a month in Greece NOT wearing them because I ripped my contacts and I was too vain to wear glasses near the "cute boy" in our group. Therefore causing my eyes to deteriorate. Now I can't see anything!
- I threw a javelin in college and was 3rd in the nation my junior year.
- I am scared of roller coasters.
- I've always been an artist - maker. When I was little my mind would create things WAY before I could figure out how to make them with my hands. Hmmm...that's still the way I work. Some things never change. :)
- I dream in full color and my dreams are extremely vivid, and often odd. If I talk to you during the day, chances are you will make it into my dream at night.
- I wear high heels to make me stand up straighter and feel more confident. But I'm 5'10" in real life, so I'm usually taller than everyone anyway!
- I adore tattoo's. I have 5 very meaningful ones. If I was younger, I would probably do a full sleeve on each of my arms. I don't look at them as rebellion. I see them as personal expression and art.
- I must have my toes painted at all times. Naked toes scare me.
- Which brings me to feet. I hate them. Do not touch me with yours. Remember # 9, I can throw a javelin.
- I know most of the words to every popular song in the 80's. Even if I haven't heard it in twenty years I can sing it...verbatim. Ask my children. They will roll their eyes and wholeheartedly agree.
- I am scared of the phone. It makes me physically ill to have to answer it. And then I sweat. This is why I never answer the phone.
- I really don't sweat, unless I'm nervous or it is extremely hot. Then I sweat a lot.
- I love getting into a really hot car in the summer. Probably because I don't sweat.
- and a bonus...just because. I have no pride. Clearly. See all of the above.
Off to my conference I go, with all that baggage out of the way. Whew, I feel better!
Now tell me something about you that I don't know! Come on, your secret is safe with me. Pinky swear!
Posted on April 18 2012