The beaches love song to me

The beach. She called to me. Beckoned me with her sultry song. Like the pull of the tide I could not resist.
I jumped from the path and began to walk close to the shoreline. Watching the water play its dancing game. Changing its route with each swell. In. Out. Natures rhythm.
Seagulls littered the path before me. Oblivious to my presence until I ventured too close. Then in unison they moved. Their own rhythm. In tune with one another.
I scanned the sand absently. Looking. Yet not looking. Stones. Shells. Driftwood. I gathered some. Thinking I might want to remember this moment later.
The sound of the water is hypnotizing. It’s subtle lapping. It speaks to my soul. It calms my fears. It gives me peace. It is here I feel closer to God than anywhere else.
The sound of the water is hypnotizing. It’s subtle lapping. It speaks to my soul.
I speak audibly to him as a walk. Sharing my fears, my joys, my concerns. Maybe that’s crazy. But the seagulls don’t offer judgement. And there are no humans in sight. Just footprints of a few who traveled before me not to long ago.
I ask him to speak to me. I feel him smile. I am, he says. The gentleness of the waves. The call of the water. Peace. That’s his voice to me today. And it soothes my soul.
Something begs me to stop. So I do. I sit on the sand and take off my shoes. Even though the sand is cool, its smooth and soft and I bury my toes. I imagine how God told Abraham about his descendants. As many as the grains of sand, he said. I smile to myself. Good grief. That’s a lot. It reminds me of his abundant love. His magnificent reach.
It’s time to move on. I’m not exactly sure why. I have no agenda. I guess the planning part of me feels like I have “ to do” - it’s the part that doesn’t let me “just be”. I stand up. I’ll move, I think to myself, but I’m not leaving this place yet.
Feel this now. I have you. I’m holding you. I’m calling to you. Hear my love song.
Walking along barefoot I allow the icy cold water to wash over my feet. As startling cold as it is, I continue along daring the water to do it again and again. This feeling. This aliveness. I crave it. And I know, soon enough, there will be ice on this shore line and I shudder at the thought.
Glancing behind me at my path I see my footprints. Solid and strong near by. But slowly disappearing in the distance. It’s a message is it not. Life IS fleeting. Our mark is made, but we will disappear. A wave rushes over my feet splashing up my legs and wetting my running pants as if to say, but you’re here now….I’m here now. Don’t worry about what’s behind you. Or what’s ahead. That’s too much for you. Feel this now. I have you. I’m holding you. I’m calling to you. Hear my love song.