Are you a Cheerleader for yourself?

Last week I was working in my studio, when I overheard my youngest daughter as she was playing nearby.
What struck me was how she was encouraging herself. Yes you heard me correctly, encouraging herself. Out loud. Very loud I might add!
How often do we become discouraged and disheartened, especially as entrepreneurs. We compare ourselves. We berate ourselves.
We tell ourselves we aren't good one wants our one reads our blog.
But how often do we actually cheer ourselves on? How often do we give ourselves a high five?
Tahlia was doing it. She was telling herself "good job"..."you got this one"..."way to go me!" (that was my favorite!).
Self talk goes such a along way. You MUST believe in yourself and what you have to offer...first. Then others will follow.
When you get discouraged, tell yourself "you got this"....and then go get it. You have to be your biggest have to believe in your product, or your coaching, or whatever it is that you have to offer the world. No one else has what you have. You are uniquely you.
So get out those pom pom's. Give yourself a high five. And then tell yourself....
Way to go me!
I'll be cheering for you too. Even though my whole life I was anti-cheerleader...but that's a whole other post!
Posted on May 23 2011