Boy bands. Three Leaf Clovers. And a One Direction giveaway.

Boy bands. I mean really. Why do we flock to this stuff?
Is it the sappy lyrics? The dancing? Their dashing good looks?
We don't even care if they can't play an instrument...or even if they lip sync. We just like to watch them...and sing along!
One Direction is NO exception to this boy band craze. They truly have it all!
Emerging on the to music scene as a product of the British sensation X-factor and our beloved Simon Cowell. These boys from across the pond took the world by storm.
I'll admit it. I'm a sucker for boy bands. Remember New Edition - early 80's when Bobby Brown was still cool. I'm pretty sure I wasn't allowed to listen to their music back then...but I have vague recollections of Candy Girl.
NKOTB - do I even need to write it out? Those boys!
And the Backstreet Boys. I mean seriously...Hello! "as long as you love me" {{swoon}}
Lastly, no boy band discussion would be complete without a look at n'Sync. Now I'll admit, I was already married when they hit the scene, but "the draw" was still there. I remember getting up for middle of the night feedings and hoping to find replays of their Disney concerts on TV. True story. Sad. But true.
But back to the boy band at hand...One Direction. These guys really CAN sing. And they actually play real instruments!
I had an opportunity back in July to design a three clover necklace (JUST like the one Niall, from the band, wears) for Tiger Beat magazine. What a huge honor. And so much fun!
As always, I am exceedingly grateful for EACH of you. Now back to my boy bands! LOL!
Posted on November 14 2012