Detroit Tiger's - I'm lovin it!

Okay so I've always been a sports participant, but I never considered myself a true "sports fan". I grew up in New Jersey and therefore inherited the "Yankee's Rule" lifestyle, and even attended a few games, but it was more about what I was wearing to the event, then the actual game!
Then I had a son. I know not everyone's male offspring is a die hard sports fan, but my son Noah takes the cake. He LOVES sports, he LIVES for sports, he EATS, SLEEPS and BREATHES sports! He even decided at the old age of 12 that he is going to be a major league baseball player. And yes, of course I encourage him....but I have mentioned the word BACK-UP!
Needless to say, we watch a LOT of ball - Tiger's baseball - and I have become a fan too. Not quite to the level of my kid, but I enjoy it - shhhhhh - I even get excited sometimes! Maybe it's the tight pants, or the manly-ness of it all...but it's quite entertaining :)
That being said, Noah is also an exceptional student and kid in general. I've homeschooled him since the 2nd grade, but last year released him to 6th grade...very hard for me to do...but he truly excelled and had a blast! His teacher, a phenom lady, nominated him to be a Great Lakes Scholar. This is a pretty huge accomplishment in our area. When he was accepted they also invited him to a Detroit Tiger's game to actually go down on the field to be acknowledged with the other scholars. AND, he was able to chose a parent to go with him. Yes...((weep weep)) he chose ME! I was honored and humbled, and his dad....a little dissed :) but it's all good! We took his sisters to the game and had a very fun family time.
So enjoy some pics and join me in celebrating my kiddo!

Posted on August 15 2008