Hurrican Gustav and the Katrina Bracelet

As Hurricane Gustav prepares to hit the coast of Louisiana AGAIN - I am overwhelmed for the people who live there. To have this happen so close to the anniversary date of Katrina is unbelievable.
After Hurricane Katrina I designed this bracelet to raise money for the Red Cross efforts there. I have kept it in my line mainly because I know it's not over in that area...and many people are still suffering and rebuilding. And now another blow.
I would love if you would check out my bracelet - and read through the significance and meaning of each individual part. I donate 50% of the proceeds to the Red Cross and believe me...they still need it.
Please pray for the people living there today: pray for their safety, pray for a weakening of Gustav, and pray their peace in the midst of this storm.
HOPE Around Us Bracelet for Hurricane Katrina Relief
There is a card included with each bracelet describing "its story",
this is what it reads:
Allow this bracelet to be a small, yet significant reminder of what we, as a people, need to do in response to the aftermath natural disasters within the United States. This idea was born in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, but continues on.We need to SURROUND those impacted by disaster with HOPE (signified by circle around word HOPE). It will take our faith, our hope and our love to feed their emotional needs...but it will also take our hands. We will need to use WOOD, STONE and METAL (signified by each individual bead) to rebuild what has been lost - to rebuild lives torn apart. We must LINK (signified by chain links) together as a people united in order to serve others and share our HOPE for a new and better future.
“and now these three remain: FAITH, HOPE & LOVE.
But the greatest of these is LOVE.” I Corinthians 13.13
*50% of all profits will be donated to the Salvation Army for their continued support of those in need*
Posted on September 01 2008