Introducing my Patreon page

The last blog post I wrote on February 11 was right after my mom passed away. Also. It was the day before I found out I had breast cancer. Who knew on that day my life would go into a complete tailspin? Since then so many things have happened. To me personally. To our world. To our country. To say life has given me lemons this year is a massive understatement. However? Oh, the lemonade I have had!
To say life has given me lemons this year is a massive understatement. However? Oh, the lemonade I have had!
I have had to dig deep, very deep, just to get through each day. But I also have a business to run. A business that I love. That I truly cherish. Not because of the income, but because it’s my passion, and the people it has brought into my life…that would be you…mean the world to me. What this meant was doing some serious thinking about the future of Lisa Lehmann Designs. What is next? How do I best continue? What best supports my passion, what I love to create, and my time in the studio? And what supports my clients, my friends and gives them more. How can I best serve, birth new designs, and maintain a sustainable business without exhausting myself and bombarding my clients? How can I reward loyalty and follow my artistic vision?
My short term walking away from the studio in January to care for my mom turned into something I would rather not repeat. For a while, I thought I would lose my business. I thought maybe it’s just time to raise the white flag. Yet. You stood by me.
I have learned MANY lessons this season. One. Is loyalty. From people who are way more than customers to me. Two. Is being innovative when I wasn’t sure I had it in me. And three. The art of asking for help and receiving it. I literally could not do things on my own.
I have learned MANY lessons this season. One. Is loyalty.
As I began to look at the business model I had established…and followed for years…I began to see that it just no longer fit. It didn’t fit me. And it didn’t fit you. I don’t want to “hustle” anymore. I want to serve you on an intimate level with one of a kind designs, Get STone(d) events, Facebook lives. I want to provide more for you. I want to give you more of my art, my paintings. I want to be your artist friend who you enjoy seeing in your feed, not one you feel is always selling at you. I want to create new collections because I want to, not because I have to.
Enter Patreon. Built on the age-old model of patrons supporting artists so they could do what they do best. I have battled this for months. Can I ask this? How does it best benefit you? What does it look like?
And here it is. 6 Tiers. One for whatever fits you best. You pledge a certain amount each month. And each month, it is designed to give you way more. More art. More sneak peeks. More insider perks. Bonus earrings. Custom designs. This has been Iovingly created so that I can hustle less and focus more on intentional creating. Quality. Not quantity.
This has been Iovingly created so that I can hustle less and focus more on intentional creating. Quality. Not quantity.
And this will allow for bumps in the road. A more flexible studio practice. One that fits my crazy life and gives you more of the best of me. Not frantic me. That being said. My website and my everyday jewelry are NOT going away!!
I’m posting the link here —> CLICK. I welcome you to read, explore, and please…ask questions. I am VERY excited to partner with you like this. It’s new. It’s fresh. It may morph a bit, but only to your benefit. This I promise you.
Thank you for being a part of Lisa Lehmann Designs. I could never have imagined the journey would look like this when I picked up my first jewelry tool 19 years ago. I could not be more blessed and more excited about the future.
I am ever, ever grateful for you.
xoxoxoxo, lisa