New Trend for 2012 Short Hair

The butcher. Me. And the Stop and Shop. I remember it well.
There was this moment. I was standing at the butcher counter with my mom, he reached over to hand me something and called me {gulp} "sonny". How old was I? Seven? Eight? Ten? I really don't remember. But I remember that moment...Stop and Shop...Ridgewood, New Jersey....vividly.
I vowed from that moment on to never allow my mother to cut my hair short again. But somewhere along the way came peer pressure, and Michael Jackson, and my best friend Jacki...and well, I did it again. This time it was high school. What was I thinking? And no, there are no pictures! That time, for as much as I didn't like it. I think I pulled it off. But again, I vowed.
My hair has been short since then, but NEVER very short. As women we have some weird issues with our hair. But when I see a confident woman rocking out the short hair, I have to say I'm jealous. My beautiful friend Christina looks amazing with her short hair, nothing short of a super model! I am jealous. I'll admit it. But still, no scissor to my scalp!
And then there was the day when my nine year old decided she wanted to cut her hair...short. I may have panicked for a moment, and relived my butcher moment. But it is her hair, and her choice. It's just hair after all....right.

And truly the trend for spring is short. The pixie cut has revived. And it is edgier and trendier than ever. It rocked runways all over during fashion week. And it is here to stay!
Just look at the celebrities with the pixie...Anne Heche - Halle Berry - Ashlee Simpson - Charlize Theron - Keira Knightley - Ellen DeGeneres - Marisa Tomei - Julie Andrews (one of my favs :) and my daughters inspiration....Emma Watson.
When I see it on someone, I adore it. I think it is incredibly fashionable. And the maintenance? As a mother of three girls...I'm pretty thankful for Tahlia's short "do"!
So what do you think? Are you daring enough to cut it off? I wish I had the guts. I wish I hadn't been scarred by the butcher. But at least I get the pleasure of looking at my small person. I think she rocks it pretty hard!

Posted on March 27 2012