Surviving a move and finding my wings.

It is almost as if I had wrapped myself in a cocoon of protection. Each fold thicker than the last. With every single layer I became less of me...more of a machine. Get through the day. Do the tasks. Do not feel too much.
Moving back to Michigan was never part of our plan of action.
But we DID said… IF we ever move back it will be need to the lake shore.
And here I am.
Every time I set foot on that boardwalk and see the water those rich folds of protection begin to melt away from my mind. I can feel it.
Slowly opening cocoon, freeing my wings.
I am fully aware that winter is coming. Snow WILL fly. But somehow. Somehow {although I'm fairly certain I'll complain} it will be better.
But for right now. I'm embracing the water, the sand and the scenery, my front porch, a new community...and the beauty of new beginnings.
Welcome to Grand truly is Pure Michigan.
xoxoxoxo, lisa
Therapy from lisa lehmann on Vimeo.