Thank You from the bottom of my heart

I am moved. Speechless. Your words of encouragement. The outpouring of your hearts. Your stories. Your own pain. It is overwhelming.
To know so many of you struggle. To know we are NOT alone in this world. That is so comforting to me, and I do hope it is comforting to all who battle this disease called depression.
What's funny is depression causes you to feel so isolated, so desperate...but hopefully now you can see that not only on this earth are so many who feel exactly the way you do...but the God who created us cares so incredibly.
Why? Because you are fearfully and wonderfully made. And you are a Child of God.
Thank you seems so slight. The words so trivial. But I am incredibly grateful for all who have commented, emailed, and facebook messaged. I will carry your words with me ALWAYS. And if in some small way I encouraged you, then it was worth the risk of baring my soul.
The ring, the symbol I have engraved on my wrist, is now available here on Etsy. It is thin, yet substantial. It bears the words in Hebrew CHILD OF GOD - and that is a beautiful truth.
Your friend,
Posted on April 29 2011