Top Ten Things I Like to Eat a silly post

We all love food. Admit it. We do. It sustains us. It comforts us. It motivates us. And sometimes it just makes us happy!
I DO get in ruts sometimes. Then I have to have one thing over and over, until I tire of it. But for right now, this day in August, my top ten favorite foods (and beverages) are...drum roll please...
- COFFEE. This one never changes, never gets old. Nothing fru fru. Just plain, black, strong, put hair on my chest, coffee. I love it. And yes, I AM a Starbucks fan. But there is something ever so comforting to walk into a Starbucks and have them say "usual?" I love that, it's like Cheers, remember Cheers? But without the alcohol.
- Chocolate Hazelnut Biscotti from Trader Joe's. nom nom nom
- Veggie Straws. Masked as healthy, I think there is crack in them, very addicting.
- Tootsie Rolls. NOT those small, hardly can taste'em version. But the big, get stuck in your teeth ones.
- Kale and Chard and GREENS from my CSA. So fresh and healthy. I really can't get enough.
- Tomatoes. Jersey tomatoes specifically. With a little sea salt and Thousand Island dressing! But since I haven't lived in Jersey for a very long time I have to settle for what's available. {sigh} It's ok, at least they are both red.
- Pellegrino. Oh.My.Word. I love this stuff. True story? When I was a senior in high school I used to take Perrier Water in my brown bag lunch. Snobby? Possibly. But it definitely fueled my passion for Pellegrino.
- Swedish Fish. Again, old standard, forever love. If you want to know my deepest, darkest secrets give me the fishies and I'll tell you everything!
- Dried Fruit. Specifically dried cherries. I really would like a food dehydrator, and it is my birthday next Saturday. hint. hint.
- Yogurt & Granola. My number one go to snack. I love it for breakfast. I love it for lunch. I love it for a bedtime snack. Sometimes I add frozen fruit. I know, risky. :)
Anyway, that's my top ten for today. I'd love to know what you're munching on these days. Come on, share!
And don't forget...
BE creative!
~ lisa
Posted on August 24 2011