Tuesday Tell All

Hello friend!
Happy Thanksgiving week in the good ole U.S of A.!
I know this can be an amazing week for some...and for others exceedingly hard. I'm kind of on the fence on that one for myself. It will be very different this year. With that in mind I'm trying to embrace new and not hold on to old and find all the joy. Who's with me on that one?
For this week's Tuesday Tell All I have some fun things I am currently crushing on!
What am I wearing?
As many of you may know I turned 50 a couple months ago. And although I’m embracing my age…there are things about it I just DON’T love. Mainly. Body changes. That being said I have ventured into the world of Spanx. And you know what…not too shabby! I purchased a pair of camo leggings and I’m in love. They come up high enough. They reach my ankles. They are SUPER comfortable. I’m sold. They are a bit pricey, but honestly? They are worth it. As a legging aficionado, these hold their value! Click HERE for the pair I own.
What am I obsessed with?
If you are a parent of a teen you have heard about TikTok. If not. Let me tell you all the things. It’s a new social media platform that is video. But. It is So.Much.Fun. Also. Be warned. It’s a rabbit hole. I can find myself very easily distracted. And. Your teen may laugh at you for getting involved. Those cute teens that don’t realize we actually are the ones who invented social media. Bless their hearts. There are plenty of “adults” on there as well. And the fun, carefree aspect of it has me hooked. I made some videos of me working. Videos of my dogs. And just senseless videos. I think that’s the beauty of it. It’s just fun. No pressure. You’re welcome! You can find me there as lisalehmanndesigns – original right?
What am I listening to?
Christmas music. Yiup. I’m in. 100%. If you want to check out my playlist you can find it here. And if you have any suggestions of Christmas music. I’m all ears. Literally.
What do I HAVE to share with you?
Rakuten. Since Christmas in my busy season I do ALL of my shopping online. Ok. Who am I kidding? I always do my shopping online. Rakuten is a a shopping app. YOu put it in your browser and when you hit a site that has cashback it will tell you. It costs NOTHING. And? You get cashback on purchases from places you already shop. So far I have earned $525 cashback in a few years. That is significant! If you use my link you get $10 and I get a reward. Win-win. Here’s my link to sign up —-> CLICK. And don’t worry, it’s a free app. Nothing is hidden and I totally trust them!
What am I drinking every single day?
Collagen. It has made a world of difference in my hair and skin. A. WORLD. I use Bowmar nutritions brand, here is a link CLICK ME. But. I don’t think you need to be fussy. Amazon carries several as well. Big surprise. I mix it in my coffee, or a protein shake, or in my morning cocktail. I’ll share more about that what’s in that next week!
What can’t I live without in my morning routine?
Most days I’m pretty makeup-free. I don’t like to put a ton of stuff on my face and on my mostly studio days I only see the people in my studio and they don’t judge. Wait. Maybe they do? Nah. It’s all good! I do have a pretty decent cleansing routine but as far as makeup I just like a nice light CC cream. AND SPF. I’ve been using it CC+ cream for a couple years. It has lovely coverage. It’s lightweight. And it protects….SPF 50+ baby! You can buy it pretty much anywhere. Not inexpensive, but it lasts FOREVER. Here is a link to Ulta…who also has cashback via Rakuten. Just saying.
There you go. Another week of tell alls! I hope you enjoy this mix. I did use an affiliate link for Spanx – so if you choose to buy they reward me with pennies. Very exciting! But I would NEVER tell you about something I don’t absolutely love. And with this being Thanksgiving week, you know I’ll be wearing all the Spanx on Thursday! LOL.
To see last week’s obsessions click HERE.
I hope you have an amazing holiday week. If it’s not and you need to vent or moral support. Please reach out. I get it. I care. And I mean it!
xoxoxo, lisa