A New Start and a Birthday Recap

Tomorrow begins day one of homeschool. This will be our {gulp} 9th year! When I say it like that I can hardly believe we've made it this far! We haven't harmed each other, and relationships are still in tact. I do jest...but let me tell you...there are days! Truth be told, I would not trade my time with them for anything!
This year I'll have a 9th, 7th and 4th grader...it's a hard mix to combine, and I have pondered, prayed, agonized and sweat over the details one too many times. My final conclusion? It's what I've known all along. Don't be such a slave to WHAT I'm teaching, but what they are learning, and that does not necessarily come from a book. We are taking a bit of a more organic approach this year, and although frightening, I know it is right.
I also will be sending my oldest son back to public high school for his 10th grade year. He turns 16 in a few short weeks, that is a milestone I am not quite prepared for!
Needless to say, September will be full of ups and downs. Trials and tribulations. Stress and excitement. And sometimes all of those emotions at once! And then there is ArtPrize in the middle of it all! Calgon!!
So before I get to wrapped up in what is to come, I want to take a quick look at this past weekend. It was my birthday, in case you didn't get the memo {smile}. There were games and giveaways and parties oh my! It was an amazing week, and I do feel so very blessed by all of you, my family and friends. My heart is full.
Here is a quick look at our Mexican Fiesta on Saturday...we expected and planned for about 65-70. At one point, a count was made and there were 135! Seriously! Again, I feel blessed for all who chose to give up their Saturday evening and share it with us! And then there was the food miracle. We never ran out! Can I hear a "woot woot"?
Check out this cake! Not only beautiful, it tasted AH.MAZ.ING! Chocolate mocha. Holla! My beautiful and talented friend Brenda made this for me. If you are local to Grand Rapids, and have a special event that needs a cake, contact me, I'll hook you up. EVERYONE, and I mean EVERYONE loved her cake. This is only one of the TWO she made. Love you girlfriend!

Yes, we did hand out fake mustaches! Hey, it was a MEXICAN fiesta people!
Can you handle this cuteness? Oh.my.word. He is just the sweetest most adorable little guy and I just can't stop taking pictures of him!

So thank you to all of you for being a part of MY birthday week. Now I will turn my sights on my Isabel, she turns 12 on Thursday, and this week is ALL about her!
I hope YOU had a relaxing Labor Day - here's to a fantastic first week of September!
And, as promised I will be writing a check to the Humane Society of West Michigan for each comment on my birthday post. There were 59 comments...I guess it just makes good sense to round that up to an even $100! Woot. How exciting!
and don't forget....you are so loved!
xoxoxo, lisa
Posted on September 06 2011