Decorating with Air Plants - MakersKit a review

I'm a maker. I love to create. Obviously. And I'm a sucker for kits.
Introduce MakersKit - I received my first box at Alt Summit a conference for creatives and I was immediately hooked. Why? Their mission is to inspire creativity and support artists. AND they support art education in public schools. Need I say more?
It's a kit people. A box. Filled with creative awesomeness to MAKE STUFF. Keep reading...but please please please click over like soon.
My studio is my creative haven. I have twinkle lights. Inspirational quotes. Hanging paraphernalia. Tchotckes. I love it. So when I saw the color wheel air plants I was hooked! Perfect addition!
I was all ready to get creating when I watched the video and found out I had to soak the little sweeties for 20 minutes. I big deal...but I wanted to PLAY! So we soaked. And by we...and mean me and my plants. What? I have real friends too!
During the soak I took the time to take a picture of my puppy...
and then stuff the glass terrariums with the moss. I'm in love with the vibrant colors!
That's it. They do have a place to tie them with twine and hang them up. No twine included. Hmph. But again. No big deal, maybe I'll just set them on a shelf instead of hanging. Options.
All in all. I'm hooked. I love the simplicity. I love the creativity. I love the mission. Basically MakersKit is a home run in my book. This is one of their newest projects - the sand art terrarium! How cool is that?
Peruse the site. Let me know what you buy. If you use THIS LINK you can get 20% off your first order! Winning!
Disclosure? Yes. I am an affiliate for MakersKit - but not because they asked me to be...but because I chose to be. I love them all on my own.
Happy Making!
xooxoxoxo, lisa
I'm a maker. I love to create.
They arrived in a box in a box. Very well padded. With all the sweet little plants already tucked safe inside their terrariums. The colorful moss prettily packaged. Caveat. There are no instructions. They want you to go to the site and watch their super adorable tutorial videos. Not terribly convenient..but no big deal. They are short and fun.MakersKit air plants easy and fun!

Did I mention MakersKit has cocktail kits too? Just sayin.

Posted on July 21 2016