Famine in Somalia. A cry for help.

I am selfish. I am self absorbed. I am shallow. I ache inside.
I complain about towels on the floor. I fret over my next sale. I run from air conditioned house to air conditioned car. I cringe over a blemish. I color my hair.
But there are children starving. Starving. Definition?
To suffer or die from extreme or prolonged lack of food.
Suffering. Dying.
Just yesterday I filled my cart at Cosco, counting each and every penny to make it work. But I could.
I went to the farmer's market looking to find the nicest fruit and vegetables for the best price. And I did.
They can't. They will die.
I was sifting through email during last nights episode of Nightline by ABC news when a special about a famine in Somalia came on. We have all seen the images before. But this is now. This was a pull on my heart.
Directly from their website was this from Dr. Richard Besser:
East Africa is experiencing what U.S. State Department officials say is quickly becoming one of the worst humanitarian crises in decades. Several seasons of drought have decimated crops and livestock in Somalia, forcing tens of thousands of refugees to seek help in camps in neighboring Ethiopia and Kenya. Rains are not expected until October at the earliest. This means that prolonged support is needed.
These people, these children are dying. Dying. Daily. While we gaze in our refrigerators and pantry's and say "there is nothing to eat here". Shame on us.
Dr. Besser has listed several organizations that are actively participating in the relief efforts with links to their sites right from this link.
I ache for the days when there will be no more pain and suffering. I believe what the Bible says is true.
But for this day, who knows how many more will suffer. We live in a country of excess. We throw food away. Shame on us.
I will do my part and donate. And pray. I beg of you to do the same. Visit the site, find an organization that resonates with you and donate. $5. $10. $50. Every penny counts.
We are humans sharing this earth with each other. We must rise up out of our selfishness and help each other. We have to.
I know this post is not light hearted and fun. But my heart is too heavy. Let's join together and do what we can. Because I know you care.
Posted on July 20 2011